Tanks made from GRP (glass reinforced Plastic) Insulated encapsulated walls, plastic storage tank suitable for cold water storage,
Tel: 0871 288 4213“We Dont Just Sell Tanks! We help You Buy Them!”

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Water Storage Tanks, Break Tanks The UK’s Water Tanks Specialists
Introducing our New range of Fittings
End of Line Overflows & Inline Overflow Fittings

Click Here for more Information
Need a Bespoke Tank?
We offer Free Sizing and Design along with help and advice on all our tanks.
Call us for Free Advice regarding sizing and getting the tank you actually need
Email us : [email protected] CALL US : 0871 288 4213
Inline Screened Overflows
Our New range of Inline Oveflow Fittings available in PP & UPVC
with a number of optional connections including our new rubber seals making it easy to connect these fittings onto existing pipework
for more information please see our Inline Overflow Range Here or call us on 0871 288 4213Â
Hot Water Storage Tanks and Expansion Tanks for Wood Burning Stoves?
Our Chemical Tank range of One Piece GRP Tanks are designed to cope with temperatures up to 120 Degrees C.
for more information please see our Chemical Tank Range or call us on 0871 288 4213Â
Questions on Water Tanks, water storage and Water Regulations?
Our Technical Sales Department will be happy to offer you with any help and advice on questions relating to water tanks and water storage.
General Tank and Storage Requirements.
Type AB Airgap Cat 5 Protection Systems.
Fittings and Connection requirements.
Call now on 0871 288 4213.
Welcome To Drayton Tanks We Manufacture and supply one of the UKs largest range of Glass Reinforced Plastic water tanks for Cold water storage as well as Hot Water, Chemical Storage and Effluent and Waste solutions. a Full of tanks suitable for Feed and expansion F&E tanks for water up to 70 Degrees C. Hot water tanks from our Chemical range suitable for water up to 120 Degrees C and other liquids to varying Temperature, please contact us to check suitability. Our range for Standard Tanks are designed as Break Tanks, header tanks and balance tanks, and can be used for just about any storage solution requirement. All our Tanks are Manufactured in the UK with Deliver to the whole of the UK. Drayton Tanks is forging ahead with our Range and Quality of our Water tanks for Water Storage, Accessories and fittings for most Tanks and Tank Overflow Range unique to Drayton Including our New Inline Overflow Fittings. Our extensive range water tanks include: WRAS Approved Cold Water Storage Tanks suitable for drinking water Storage     GRP WRAS Approved Water Storage tanks for Potable Drinking Water, made from approved materials, compliant to current water regulations Potable water tanks     GRP Potable Water Storage Tanks, Wras Approved for Drinking Water, made from approved materials, compliant to current water regulations Header Tanks     GRP Header Tanks, Ideal for Loft, Attic and roof space positioning, and anywhere where a head of water is required to improve pressure in the system.  Cold Water Storage Tanks     GRP Cold Water Storage Tanks, WRAS Approved for Cold Water Storage and Potable Water, Made from Approved Materials, Compliant to current water regulations. Rainwater and storm water tanks     GRP Rainwater and Storm Water Actuation Tanks, available in many sizes and bespoke sizing available. Break Tanks     GRP Break Tanks made from Approved Materials, compliant to current water regulations for AF (cat 3), AG (cat 4), and AB (cat 5) Airgap options. Break Tank Design    GRP Break Tanks made to bespoke sizes to suit most applications Type AB Air Gap Tanks (Cat 5)     GRP Type AB Airgap Break Tanks, Meets Current Backflow and Water regulations. Effluent Tanks     GRP Storage Tanks suitable for most effluent and waste storage solutions Chemical storage tanks     GRP Chemical Storage Tanks suitable for storage of most chemical solutions, please contact our technical team to check suitability depending on concentration and temperature. Balance Tanks     GRP Balance Tanks available in many sized and bespoke sizing for use with swimming pools, spa and hot tub balancing. Grey Water Tanks     GRP Grey Water storage tanks, suitable for Grey and black water, and final effluent, available in many sizes and bespoke sizing options. Waste Water Tanks     GRP Waste Water Tanks, available in many sizes, suitable for most waste storage. Break Tank Systems     GRP Cold Water Break Tanks, available in many standard sizes and options to suit most applications, bespoke sizing also available Our water tanks have a vast range of uses some highlighted above but also can be used for almost any liquid storage as well as swimming pool balance tanks, settlement tanks, and even Thermal Stores. One Piece Tanks, Two Piece and Sectional Tanks are all available for all our standard sizes and as Standard Cold Water Tanks, F&E Tanks and chemical storage tanks, Please check with us for suitability. ![]() With one of the largest ranges of GRP, Fibreglass and thermoplastic storage tank solutions in the UK, we have one of the largest WRAS Approval Ranges with our sizes starting from 45 litres up to 60,000 Litres in our One Piece Tank Range alone and bespoke sizes available also, and sizes going up to 100,000 Litres, We have the capacity to help our customers with finding the best suited storage tank for their requirements, and give free help and advise on the Tanks and Water Regulations.CAT 5 Tanks, Backflow prevention for Fluid Category 5 with our Type AB Airgaps Tanks giving the highest available protection to the Mains cold water supply required by many Water Companies in the UK to Protect their Supply, The Backflow Prevention is required when possible contamination may occur in water storage tanks and is normally required on all Water Tanks for commercially installed Cold Water Booster Pump Sets. Along with our vast range of Water tanks, We also supply only the highest quality fittings, connections and accessories that are available to the industry, from EBCO Equilibrium Ball valves and Keraflo’s renowned delayed action float valves, To our own Screened Overflows which can be as large as 16” some of the largest available in the UK. ![]() Standard tanks, Feed & Expansion (F&E) and chemical resistant Glass Fibre tanks are available for various temperatures up to 120 Degrees C and liquid storage requirements and are available in all sizes along with Insulation options. Drayton tank has become a one stop supplier for all storage requirements for many of its customers. Supplying Quality products and WRAS Approved GRP water Storage Tanks to the UK. Check out our website www.draytontank.co.uk for our many standard sizes available and our break tank system and break tank design and our newly expanding range of balance tanks. We also Manufacture Bespoke and custom size tanks, for more information please contact us Click here for Tank Enquiry Form |
How Water Regulations effect you!