Balance Tanks
Drayton GRP Balance Tanks
Balance Tanks used to store the volume of water displaced from People in the pool or spa, this is then pumped back into the pool when the water level drops when people leave.
from 45 Litres up to 100,000 litres in one piece Balance Tank Design
from 250 Litres up to 12,000 Litres in Two Piece Balance Tank Design
Suitable for Swimming pool and Spa Backwash and Balance overflow, Capability for safely storing Water up to 90 Degrees Centigrade.
Available insulated with options for additional insulation to reduce heat loss from the tanks.
Shown here are some of our standard sized tanks
we have many more sizes available you can check them out here
if you cannot find a tank size to suit?
We offer a bespoke sizing of the tank available, just contact us. and we will be happy to quote you.
Complete our Custom Tank Form here
or Call us for Help or more details on specific solutions.